- Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word format, 1.5-spaced, the font used should be ‘Times New Roman’ with a font size of 12 pts.
- Manuscripts consistent with the scope of the journal must be written in English within 5000 (five thousand maximum) words inclusive of endnotes and references.
- All Diagrams, Tables, Pictures and Figures used should be labelled appropriately as Fig.1, Pic.1 or Table 1 with proper citation in place, if borrowed from other sources.
Authors are requested to take note of the following, while preparing the references. (a)All references to books, articles and other sources should be cited serially at the end as endnote and not at the bottom of the pages as footnote. All other lists of references should be arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s surname; where more than one work by the same author is cited in their chronological order of publication. (b) References to books/edited volumes to be cited at the end as: Thapar, Romila (2002). Early India. New Delhi: Penguin Books. (c) References to articles in Journals to be cited at the end as: Mukhopadhyay, Amal Kumar. (2014). “Thoughts on Equality”, Socialist Perspective, Vol.42 No.1-2, June-September pp.1-6. (d)Articles in books should cite the name of the author, followed by the year of publication, the name of the article and for the rest follow (b) (e)References other than books and articles (i.e. conference papers, mimeos) should mention full details of the materials cited.
Submitted manuscript must be original and plagiarism free. All the papers will be sent for anonymous peer review. Acceptance will be communicated after the review report is received. The decision of the Board of Editors will be final. The Board of Editors reserve the discretion to reject articles that they find unfit for the journal or that fail to conform to the submission guidelines.
Submission guideline:
APA style for reference.
Word limit: 4000-5000 words (including citations)
Author bio: 50 words maximum
Abstract: 200 words maximum
Keywords: 5 maximum
Book reviews:
All book reviews MUST have the name of the author, year of publication, price, ISBN, number of pages as per the standard conventions maintained for any book review. It should also contain the complete details of the reviewer/ reviewers including name, an informative title, affiliation, mail i.d., phone number, and address. The font should be Times New Roman, heading 14 points (bold), body 12 font, single line spacing.
Book review: 1500-2000 words, with book details including cover page, ISBN number, price, author name, publisher name, and year of publication.
To know more, please check our publication ethics. Contributions should be sent to wccjournalsophos@gmail.com or editor@sophosjournal.in